Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Omegle = New Friend?

Recently, I use omegle.com to find new friends from other countries. I know Omegle.com from My bestie, Amalia Khairunnisa Alfirdousy.
For the first time, I used it, I am confused because it's not the same as another "chat site".
You know, the first page of it just like this:

And when I click "Start a Chat", the page like this

Tidak seperti YM atau MIRC yang menggunakan box chaters, dan kita dapat memilih siapa yang akan kita ajak conversation. There is only a conversation box with a motto: "TALK TO STRANGERS".
Haha, You know what, when I told the strangers that I'm from Indonesia, they disconnected the chat immediately. I don't know why, but in fact, I hate it. 
Hellooooo, ada apa dengan negara saya, Indonesia? Apakah segitu buruknya negara saya di mata anda, sehingga untuk mulai berteman dengan salah satu bangsanya saja malas. You're so weird, guys!

Tetapi aku senang sekarang karena aku sudah menemukan 2 orang teman, yaitu Lucy from Taiwan dan Jill From Holland. They're so nice. I don't expect anything when I'm using Omegle because when I'm chatting almost the strangers are a man who wanna have online **x. So disgusting 💥
But Amel told me that someday I will find the "feel" to chat someone on Omegle. So, I try and try again to find a good friend, and akhirnya saya menemukan Lucy dan Jill 😀

Sampai sekarang saya masih tetap kontak dengan  Lucy melaui Yahoo Messenger. She's so friendly. We can share everything about us on YM. We have similar favorite music. Kami sama-sama mengaggumi Jason Mraz, Taylor Swift, dan Boys Like Girls, and exactly our mom's nagging about our hobby, (online), LOL!! 
Kami sama-sama suka diomelin oleh mama kami jika terlalu lama online, hehe. But, Lucy lebih parah dari saya. Dia benar-benar takut dengan sang mama. Jadi ketika sang mama kembali ke rumah, She Always says to me : "I have to off ;)"
I understand with that situation

These are photos of Lucy:

Dia memakai T-shirt putih :) (first photo)
And the second photo, she wears a cute Kimono, pinky! :)
She's beautiful, isn't she? 

And this is a picture of Jill from Holland
Yeah, She is with her boyfriend in that photo. 
Jill is younger than me. She's 17 years old. But like Europeans mostly are so mature in that age :)

Jill pernah menanyakan sesuatu kepadaku, "Hey Indah, do you have a boyfriend?"
Dan saya menjawab, "Not yet :)"
She said, "Oh, so ashamed!"

Hahahaha. Yah mungkin itu perbedaan antara saya dengan Jill. Maklum, kita berbeda budaya. Bagi orang Eropa memiliki pacar ketika berumur 17 tahun adalah suatu kebanggaan dan bahkan di umur segitu mereka semakin membuktikan "kedewasaannya", if you know what I mean.
Different from Lucy, I don't keep in contact again with her.

So nice to know you both!
May be someday we can meet in the 'real' world :)

Kalau kamu, punya pengalaman apa dari Omegle? 😅


What are you looking for? Just type the keyword in search box below. Hope you enjoy it!